Jin bursts in a goes towards the monitors and prints something on the printer. Jin tells Radzinsky that he needs to see the radar logs because he needs to know if a plane landed on the island. Radzinksy treats Jin like he's crazy for asking about a plane landing on the island which angers Jin who throws him against a wall. Jin convinces Radzinsky to put out a system wide alert to everyone asking if anyone saw a plane. When he asks Jin why the plane is important to him, Jin only replies "It just is."
So, what is Radzinsky's job on the island? Obviously he's important because he is designing the Swan Station and runs the Flame on his own. He seems to have the Swan laid out pretty thoroughly, so how long from now will it actually be constructed and why?
In the shots of the monitors (shots 8 and 9), two of them are cameras on the island and one appears to be a news broadcast. The two top corners are odd though. Can anyone distinguish what the images are of?