Saturday, February 27, 2010

Locke's body is buried at the island graveyard by Ben, Ilana, Frank & Sun

Back with the statue gang, Ilana and Ben are carrying Locke's body across the island towards the graveyard where other 815 survivors are buried. Ilana tells Ben that the smoke monster is nowstuck in the form of John Lock and can no longer change.

Once they reach the graveyard, Ben and Frank dig the grave and all four of them lower Locke's body into it. Ben gives a brief eulogy, saying that Locke was a better man than he'll ever be and he's sorry that he killed him. The sadness in his voice and on his face is very honest. This also gives Frank an opening for a great one liner "Weirdest damn funeral I've ever been to."

So why is the smoke monster now stuck in the form of Locke? Did Jacob's death affect his abilities?

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