Saturday, May 31, 2008

Walt visits Hurley at Santa Rosa

Walt's grandmother/Michael's mother brings Walt (who has done some serious growing) to visit Hurley at Santa Rosa. When they arrive, Hurley is opening a Molly Fisher Fruit Roll-Up (it's a little random). Walt's grandmother wants Hurley to assure her that he won't do anything crazy if she lets Walt talk to him. Walt and Hurley have a conversation about why no one visited him after the Oceanic 6 returned. Walt also tells Hurley that Jeremy Bentham came to visit him. Walt wants to know why everyone is lying about what happened and Hurley tells him it's to keep those who were left behind safe, like his dad (Michael). Hurley doesn't seem to know that Michael died.

Also, in the second screen, there are letters on the wall. Some have wondered if it's an anagram. The Letters are Y M O H K E U T 7. It appears that there are at least two more letters on the wall that are obstructed by people. Care to come up with a possible answer? Leave a comment at let me know what you think.

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