Thursday, May 22, 2008

Christian's memorial service, Claire's mom is alive, Jack finds out Claire is his sister

Jack speaks at Christian's memorial service. Kate, Aaron, Sayid, Nadia and Hurley are all there. The only member of the Oceanic 6 not in attendance is Sun. Jack's mom, Margo Shephard is also there.

The unexpected guest is Claire's mom, Carole Littleton who obviously woke up from her coma some time after the crash of 815. She approaches Jack after the service and tells him who she is and why she's there. Jack finally learns that Claire is his half sister and he becomes visibly distraught. Kate overhears the conversation and then is approached by Carole who tells her that she has a beautiful son, not realizing that she is seeing her own grandson.

What were the circumstances surrounding Carole waking up from her coma? Was it related to the island?

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