Monday, May 19, 2008

Ben sends a mirror message

Ben stops and uncovers a box that's been placed under some rocks (or faux rocks). It contains a signaling mirror, Dharma Initiative soda crackers and a pair of binoculars. The signaling mirror appears to be a World War II era piece. In the scene, Hurley eats some of the crackers and in another bit of comedy he and Ben, Ben tells Hurley "you know those are 15 years old."

Ben then signals to someone on the cliff and then they signal back (you can see the small flash of light on the cliff in the 9th screen). When Locke asks Ben who he's communicating with and what he's communicating Ben responds with "Who do you think?" and "None of your business John."

So, who was he communicating with and what was said? Was it Richard or another other?

Here's the back of a WWII era emergency signaling mirror which seems to match the back of Ben's mirror. It has directions for using the mirror.

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