In this flash forward, one of two filmed in London, Sun approaches Charles Widmore as he's coming out of Le Pont de la Tour restaurant with some associates. She introduces herself as Mr. Paik's daughter and the managing director of Paik industries and Widmore immediately acknowledges that he knows Mr. Paik. It would seem that Paik and Widmore have does business together before, which many have suspected for some time. The tone shifts when Sun asks "Are you really going to stand there and pretend you don't know who I am?." He plays it off but Sun says that he knows that they are lying about where they were and what happened while they were there. Sun tells Widmore that they have "common interests" and when he's ready to discuss them to call her. She hands him her business card which has her name, position in the company and the Paik logo on it. Then she says, "As you know, we're not the only ones who left the island." Is she referring to Desmond or Ben? That would seem to be the people Widmore would be most interested in. Widmore asks "Why would you want to help me?," but Sun just walks away.
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